An actor in the Broadway staging of Disney’s fantasy hit Frozen confiscated a “Trump 2020” banner from a front-row audience member Wednesday night.
During the production’s curtain call, an attendee wearing a “Make America Great Again” visor unfurled a pro-Trump banner.
Actor Timothy R. Hughes (who plays Pabbie, leader of the Hidden Folk in the show), reached down and snatched the flag, threw it aside and continued taking a bow (see video below).
The actor explained on Instagram: “What does it say about our country and politics when a man at the show tonight felt the need to protest Disney’s Frozen on Broadway with a pro-Trump flag?? How frightening is it that our show’s messages of love, acceptance, and diversity have become the opposition to supporting Trump? The curtain call is a thank you between actors and audience, a final connection to end a shared experience. I will not apologize for how I responded to the disrespectful man trying to interrupt this moment with a pathetic political platform. Not at our show! Not in front of my beautiful, diverse, talented cast at @frozenbroadway. I appreciate everyone’s support.”
Here’s another view of the moment:
A representative for Disney’s theatrical productions had no immediate comment from the company.
According to The Huffington Post, citing a tweet from another theatergoer, the Trump supporter later “stood outside the theater after the show threatening to sue if he was not given back the flag.”
I guess they couldn’t just … let it go.
from Viral News Now