The fourth season of Syfy’s horror anthology series Channel Zero is titled The Dream Door and follows two newlyweds, Jillian and Tom, who have each brought secrets into their marriage. When they discover a strange door in their basement, those secrets start to threaten their relationship and their lives — and EW has an exclusive look at the chilling trailer.
Channel Zero creator Nick Antosca (Hannibal) is once again an executive producer on the show, whose tales are adapted from internet horror fiction known as “creepypasta.” This installment is directed by Evan Katz (Small Crimes, Cheap Thrills) and stars Brandon Scott (Grey’s Anatomy), Maria Sten (Straight Outta Compton), Steven Robertson (Elementary), Steven Weber (Wings), and horror favorite Barbara Crampton (Re-Animator, We Are Still Here, You’re Next).
The season premieres Oct. 26, and a new episode will screen on Syfy each night leading up to the finale on Oct. 31. Watch the trailer above.
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