Broadway actress Carole Cooke may be making it onto the president’s enemies list.
Cooke, 94, was asked by TMZ for her thoughts on fellow Broadway star Timothy Hughes ripping a Trump banner from an audience member’s hand during a curtain call last week at Broadway’s Frozen.
The actress gave a no holds barred answer, telling TMZ, “I didn’t see it. I didn’t hear that. My answer to that is… Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”
Her husband Tom Troupe, who was standing next to her, said, “He killed presidents.”
“Don’t say that. They’ll get me for that. They won’t see,” she told Troupe, before adding, “Where is he when you need him?”
When asked by TMZ, “So, we need to kill President Trump?”
Cooke responded, “Why not?”
“Will that get me in trouble? Will that get me on the enemies list?” she added. “God, I hope so. Just keep me out of jail — or maybe not.”
RELATED: Sean Penn on the political relevance of the mysterious Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff
Hughes made headlines last week when he ripped a “Trump 2020” flag from an audience member’s hands.
He shared a video of the moment on Instagram in which he addressed his actions.
“What does it say about our country and politics when a man at the show tonight felt the need to protest Disney’s Frozen on Broadway with a pro Trump flag??” he wrote in the caption.
“How frightening is it that our show’s messages of love, acceptance, and diversity have become the opposition to supporting Trump?” Hughes continued. “The curtain call is a thank you between actors and audience, a final connection to end a shared experience.”
“I will not apologize for how I responded to the disrespectful man trying to interrupt this moment with a pathetic political platform,” he added. “Not at our show! Not in front of my beautiful, diverse, talented cast @frozenbroadway. I appreciate everyone’s support. #resist #lovewins #lovetrumpshate.”
This isn’t the first time someone has brought up the topic of assassination when it came to the president.
In March 2018, Sean Penn made similar comments in his novel Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff, a story about a part-time assassin and septic tank salesman.
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In one new addition to the story, Honey writes a letter to the book’s fictional president, Mr. Landlord, who seems to be a thinly veiled representation of Donald Trump.
“You are not simply a president in need of impeachment, you are a man in need of an intervention,” Honey writes in the letter. “We are not simply a people in need of an intervention, we are a nation in need of an assassin.”
Johnny Depp also ignited controversy in June 2017 when he asked the audience of the Glastonbury Festival in England if someone could bring Trump there.
When the audience began booing he said, “No, no, no, you misunderstood completely. I think he needs… help.”
He continued, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”
The crowd cheered and clapped, but Depp continued speaking, saying, “I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living.”
Depp was no doubt referencing Booth, the actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.
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